,A False Ecurrency Exchanger Is A Scammer - Here Is My Story
My name is Charles.
When i saw
online,i thought i have seen one of the best ecurrency exchanger.From
my chat with them,i was made to believe that they are serving both
Nigerians and South Africans,unknown to me,they are big scammers.
I sold $400 Egopay and $150 Solidtrustpay to them on February 22.I
was to get N78,000 from them for the transaction but up till today,i got
nothing back.
I can't believe there are people who will set up a
site just to dupe people of their money calling themselves ecurrency
exchangers. Before i send those money to them,i had a chat with them and
they seem genuine to me. They said they will send the money within
minutes except for Solidtrustpay.They said they will have to confirm
from Solidtrustpay if the money is not a stolen one. They promised me
three days before i can get the money for the Solidtrustpay.
Here is the proof of money sent :
Dear Charles Oluwaseun O Aladesiun,
Transfer to | uchenna84 | 150.00 USD | 19 Feb 2013 | Done |
Transaction ID =274232628
Fees (Charged to Recipient) = 2.45
Net Amount = 147.55
Comments = Payment For 10247
Date and Time = 19 Feb 2013 @04:25 AM
I was expecting money for Egopay but they send me this message to my phone and email :
Dear,Your Sell Order no :10249 is successfully Completed. Thank you for using Processed Pay.
Our Partners
Sell Ecurrency Order Email Confirmation
STEP: Sell Order completed successfully!
Dear Oluwaseun Charles. O. Aladesiun,
Sell Ecurrency service on Processed Pay notifies, that Sell Ecurrency Order #10249 has been completed, 56867.00 has been sent to your bank account via Cash Deposit NGN.
Sell Ecurrency Details:
You will receive (Worth): 56867.00 via Cash Deposit NGN
Your Batch ID: #ANJG4F-FRLGDF-4K32AR
Our Payment ID: #NetTransfer
Order ID: #10249
Status: Complete
Your Bank details to receive Payment:
Beneficiary Name: Oluwaseun Charles. O. Aladesiun
Account Number: 0113128414
Name of Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank
Bank Branch: Ile Ife
Note: If you like our service, please login to your client area or visit Write Testimony to send us your comments.
Best Regards,
Ultimate System Enterprises
Sales Department
Available 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Monday - Saturday!
This message appeared to be nothing but lies. Nothing got into my account. I called them and they said,the mistake must have been from GTBank and they will rectify it on the following Monday.
When i called them on the following Monday,they were saying another thing. They said i should send them my Bank Statement of account. That,some people do charge back money already paid for by them and they will be in loss. I told them,i won't do that.I gave them my Bank Statement but still they did not credit my account.
They later asked for either source of my earnings or another statement of account.I gave them all my source of earnings but still they refused to make the payment.
I wrote them and below are my messages and their responses :
Date: 2013-02-23 08:09:48
Name: Aladesiun Oluwaseun
Email: mychanger2012 (at) gmail (dot) com
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Order Number: 10249
User Name: charlly007
Goodday sir,
I want to report the order i made on your site.I sold $400 Egopay and was told that the money had been paid but for more than ten hours now,i haven't received anything.
My order number is - 10249 and this is my Guranty Trust Bank ( GTB ) account number - 0113128414 ( Aladesiun Oluwaseun .
Please help me look into the issue.
Date: 2013-02-23 09:47:30
Name: Oby Christopher
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Dear Aladesiun Oluwaseun,
You are right it is refunded back to our account reporting GTB network to interswitch is down, we will try again in few hours and this ticket will be updated then.
Thank you for the notification.
Best Regards,
Ultimate System Enterprises
Sales Department
Available 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Monday - Saturday!
Date: 2013-02-24 18:19:26
Name: Oby Christopher
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Dear Aladesiun Oluwaseun,
The funds is sent but pending the bank approval in order to be posted to your account, any transfer done out side banking hour will be processed by the bank in the next banking hour.
Kindly provide your testimony via your client area once you have the funds posted to your bank account.
Best Regards,
Ultimate System Enterprises
Sales Department
Available 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Monday - Saturday!
Tracking ID: E8L-Y2H-2JJ4 (Ticket number: 10)
Ticket status: Resolved [Open ticket]
Created on: 2013-02-26 07:52:22
Updated: 2013-03-02 20:14:41
Last replier: Charles Aladesiun
Category: Order Processing
Replies: 5
Priority: High
Date: 2013-02-26 07:52:22
Name: Charles Aladesiun
Email: mychanger2012 (at) gmail (dot) com
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Order Number: #10249
User Name: charlly007
Honestly,i am not happy with the way you people are treating my order of last week.I sold $400 egopay and $150 STP since last week.I haven't gotten any from that. You told me you have credited my account on Sunday and my bank will send the money when they start work on Monday,till now i haven't received anything.
I am not happy with the way,you are delaying the order.I never expect this at all.This is my first time of using your service.
What am i going to tell those that are waiting for me to get my order first and then start using your services ?
I am aware,STP is delaying the $150 but the Egopay already confirmed.Why the delay ?
I wonder why you can't make the payment using other method if the online inter-switch isn't working for you.
I don't like getting delayed.Since last week Friday,we have been on this issue.
If you made a mistake with my account number,check it again and correct it.
My account is Gtbank - 0113128414 ( Aladesiun Charles )
Please,act on this issue and allow me to get the money today.
Date: 2013-02-26 13:40:22
Name: Oby Christopher
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Dear Charles Aladesiun,
I am looking into this now
Best Regards,
Ultimate System Enterprises
Sales Department
Available 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Monday - Saturday!
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Date: 2013-02-27 10:20:55
Name: Charles Aladesiun
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Looking into this now since yesterday ?
Am i being played ? It will be a week today since i had made that order.I am yet to get anything from the two order.Solidtrustpay is still there which i haven't mentioned at all. Must i wait for years before i get paid for the $400 egopay i sold to you ?
Date: 2013-02-27 10:54:05
Name: Oby Christopher
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Dear Charles Aladesiun,
You just called now and I have informed that we have sent for your payment to be made in cash deposit in GTB, bear that GTB has so much clients roll up this is why we prefer internet banking.
Sorry for any delay caused.
Best Regards,
Ultimate System Enterprises
Sales Department
Available 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Monday - Saturday!
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Date: 2013-02-27 19:22:00
Name: Charles Aladesiun
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At this point,i am begging you to please return the money i sold to you back to me.I need the $400 egopay back.You can deduct the charges.
As for Solidtrustpay,you can keep it.But i need my egopay back.You have delayed me enough,gave me excuses.I am tired of all that.I need my money back.
Date: 2013-02-28 06:00:23
Name: Charles Aladesiun
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I am highly disappointed with the way you handle your business if you are really offering genuine services.
At this point,i want my $400 egopay back or i will start posting my experience with you on internet starting from facebook.
You people have deceived enough.Always sorry for delay whereas you shown nothing to show you are really sorry.If nothing is done today,i will seek for other people's help in posting it over internet my experience with you.
I thought i have seen an honest and trustworthy exchanger,but your behavior had shown i am wrong.I am going to inform others who are waiting to use your service the delays i got from you.
This is really bad.I want my egopay back.I don't need your naira again.
Date: 2013-03-05 14:52:30
Name: Charles Aladesiun
Email: mychanger2012 (at) gmail (dot) com
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Order Number: 10249
User Name: charlly007
You asked for the proof of my earnings and they are :
I am an online money making guy.And i deal mostly with investment programs and referring people to those programs.Some of the programs are :
Those are where my money are coming from.You can see my proves.Hope that is enough to convince you where i am getting my money from.
You can as well check my blogsite -
Right now,it is under construction. The other blogsite which is my first one is also under construction.I am having it changed to something more professional.
The site is -
Hope you will release my money this time around.
Date: 2013-03-05 16:10:42
Name: Oby Christopher
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Dear Charles Aladesiun,
It is left with your latest Bank statement.
Best Regards,
Ultimate System Enterprises
Sales Department
Available 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Monday - Saturday!
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Date: 2013-03-05 16:47:12
Name: Charles Aladesiun
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You people,
I am sick of all these.Why are you asking for my Statement of account again.I called your boss and he asked for my latest bank statement or proof of my earnings.I opt to give him the proof instead.I already gave you people one statement of account.That isn't up to six months why asking for another one.What proof do you need again.
I haven't face all these all my whole life.You people are giving me headaches.I asked you to return the egopay instead to me.I don't want naira again since you need lot of documents for me to get that.You people should have told me all these before i send my money to you.
Please,send my egopay back to me and remove all charges incurred.
Date: 2013-04-30 16:50:16
Name: Oby Christopher
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Dear Charles Aladesiun,
We have received this and it will be processed very soon but we require your patient.
It was delayed because of some attack we had and loosing so much funds in LR and PM account but do not worry in little time we will resolve your order status and we humbly request your understanding!
Best Regards,
Ultimate System Enterprises
Sales Department
Available 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Monday - Saturday!
Rated as not helpful
Date: 2013-05-03 16:18:50
Name: Charles Aladesiun
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Lies upon lies.
I send money to you over three months now and you are still holding onto it. You are telling me now,your site was attacked. By the way if really your site was attacked,that shouldn't affect my money.I send egopay and Solidtrustpay to you and you lost LR and PM. What i send is different to what you lost. Get me back my money if you aren't out here to scam people of their money. I have seen all your updates and i pity those that deals with you.
You are the kind that makes people to be afraid of dealing with Nigerian exchangers. I haven't got the time to pursue this case.
If you really not a scammer,send back my money. You people own me N78,000 for God's sake.
These people are nothing but crooks. They had been playing me all along. They never had the intention of paying me at all. I thought i have seen a reliable exchanger and i was prepared to write good report about them and also refer lot of people to them. But they shown they are unreliable,scammer,crook,undesirable element.
I don't want others to fall into their trap. If i have a way out,i would have attack their site with DDos.They should not be allowed to have that site of theirs online. But,i won't rest until i let the whole world know they are not the kind we can deal with. I am going to post all over net what they had done to me and even pay people to advertise it for me.
We should not allow people like these to tarnish the image of our country further. If you have been a victim of these crooks too,please post your experience here. must be brought down.
Two of such complaints i found online are :
His story :
Processedpay are scammers. I exchanged $58 Pexpay with them and they never paid the cash into my bank after 2weeks.
My own cousin exchanged $225 Pexpay with them, the same day I did and he experienced the same thing.
They have more than poor customer support. They cut calls on customers, most times, they don't pick call.
They don't have an office address.
These guys don't know why they are in business. Their website is built with adverts floating here and there but the people behind the website are all junks, thieves. They deserve to be crucified.
Never do any business with them. They will surely part away with your money.
So beware of Processedpay(dot)com
If you have been duped by these assholes,please post it on this thread too. Doing this will surely bring down the site. We need to alert others.
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