Join TouchingLives International Company & Get All You Need To Earn Money Online ( Especially On MLM Programs That Needs Downlines ) Done For You.
Posted in Dollars, Downlines, Earn, Free, HelpingHands International, Matrix, Money., TouchingLivesInternational
Friday, 15 August 2014 By Charlly
. Do you need downlines ( people placed under you ) on your MLM or Network Marketing Programs so that you can move up and earn lot of money on time ?
. Do you own a Money Making Program and need people to come in and participate ?
. Do you own a Money Making Program and need people to come in and participate ?
. Do you need help on Investigating if a program is safe and is sure to make you lot of money ?
. Are you in need of a Company that can help you handle the building of a good Money Making Program or Company ?
. Do you love to join a Company that is doing all the works required for members to earn money online especially on MLM that requires referring new members and selling stuffs ?
. Will you love to join a Company that is bringing the most surest Income Opportunities to people ( after thorough investigation and meeting the admin one on one & plan on inviting the admin to meet members later in future ) and also help them make money from the programs ?
. Are you or do you want to be a member of HelpingHands International, an NGO Company from Japan & Philippine that is being sponsored by Japanese Government and other Corporate Organizations. It is in Partnership with Apple Company / HP Company / Hyundai Motor Company.
The NGO is looking for people to come and join them, partner them and together carry out their Charity activities. They need people to help them locate, identify, recommend those that needs help, like the Sick, Widow, the Less Privileged in general to them, so that, they can help them, change their lives for good.
This NGO company is using a Matrix program through which everyone that partner them will be getting the following benefits as rewards for partnering them :
1. Internet Ready Apple Ipad or Laptop directly from Apple Company
2. A Cug Phone
3. Stage's Money – $10 / $1000 / $3000 / $6000 / $12,000 / $80,000
4. Bring in new member and get paid instantly $8 ( N1,320 )
5. No Collateral & Interest Free Loan – $12,000 ( N1,980,000 ) and $44,000 ( N7,260,000 )
6. Brand New Hyundai Elantra 2014 Model Saloon Car worth $20,000 ( N3,000,000 plus ) from Hyundai Motor company
7.Be fully sponsored to learn a Trade and acquire Skills from any country
8. Education fund for your children
9. Brand New Hyundai Executive Jeep worth $30,000 ( N5,000,000 plus ) from Hyundai Motor Company
10. Housing Fund – $40,000 ( N6,600,000 )
11. All Expense Paid International Trip to any country of your choice with Spouse or Better Half.
12. Matching Bonus from anyone you bring in – $100 / $150 / $300 / $600.
13. Global Profit Pool yearly – $10,000 ( N1,650,000 )
14. Yearly Residual Income for life – $10,000 ( N1,650,000 )
15. Become company’s Director and earn 1% from everyone that joined in your country.
16. Earn more money for allowing the company to use your building as one of their Regional office or meeting place or seminars
17. Bring two people that you feel needs help to the company and they will be given $1,000 ( N165,000 ) each for free
18. Recommend One Motherless Home for donation from the company on your behalf
19. Bring two Orphans from any Orphanage Home and the NGO company will give each of them Scholarship Award
20. 100% free One on One Training on Soap Making & Marketing / Internet Marketing / Blogging / Hat Making / Mobile Marketing / Fish Farming / Poultry Farming / Speech Writing / Information Marketing / Web Design & Development / Computer Appreciation / MS – Office / Auto Cad Design & Engineering / Book Publishing / Public Speaking / Car Tracking Technology
21. Win Brand New Car with $2 ( N300 ) from company’s Raffle Draw
22. Get Congratulation / Good Work Recognition Certificate for each of your Achievement from the company.
. Will you love to join a company that will register you for free to partner this NGO company, work for you ( that is get your account to the stage where you will be getting each of those incentives ) ?
. Are you in need of the fastest ways you can fund your HelpingHands International ewallet ( in case you want to register new member ) using any form of Payment Methods and get 10% discount ?
. Do you love to have a company that can help you get your earnings out of HelpingHands International and get it through any method of payments like
i. Paypal
ii. Payza
iii. PerfectMoney
iv. Solidtrustpay
v. Egopay
vi. Okpay
vii. Bitcoin
viii. Credit Card
ix. Western Union
x. Money Gram
xi. Direct Bank Payment.
So that, you can avoid 4% that HelpingHands International is charging for withdrawing directly from them.
. Will you love to partner a company that is creating its own Income Opportunities for people both Online & Offline ?
. Do you want a company that can help you
i. Build a website for your business.
Jack Welch Said :
" The Internet is the Viagra of big business ".
And Bill Gate :
" If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business.”
You need to get your business online.
ii. Drive Traffic / Get people to visit your site and get it ranked among the top sites in the world.
iii. Build a Facebook Page and get it lot of Likes, up to One Million Likes.
iv. Post your business on Facebook everyday
v. Post about your programs on forums
vi. Advertise your business or programs on Newspaper / Sportpaper / TV / Radio
vii. Produced Shirts / Notebooks / Face Caps / Calendars / Ink Pen configured in your Company or program's name and give them out to people that joined up to your programs as gift. This will serve as form of advertising because others will see the gifts and will want to get theirs.
viii. Create Big Offline Banner for your business and placed it where it will get lot of views
ix. Create Online Banners of all sizes for your business and placed them on lot of sites.
x. Advertise for you using :
Mobile Advertising
Email Advertising
xi. Create Youtube Video for your business
xii. Build a forum for you / get people to post on it / get it at least One Million members ( 1,000,000 ) within a year.
Having this kind of forum will be earning you millions of dollars every month just like :
A. Warriorforum is earning $1,150,530 ( One Million,One Hundred & Fifty Thousand,Five Hundred & Thirty Dollars ) monthly for its owner.
B. DigitalPoint is earning $465,690 ( Four Hundred & Sixty-Five Thousand,Six Hundred & Ninety Dollars ) monthly.
C. Nairaland is earning $204,660 ( Two Hundred & Four Thousand,Six Hundred & Sixty Dollars ).
D. Webhostingtalk is earning its owner $187,560 ( One Hundred & Eighty Seven Thousand,Five Hundred & Sixty Dollars ) monthly.
xiii. Help get sponsor for your business, projects etc.
xiv. Help exchange your ecurrency ( Internet Money ) to another ecurrency or to your local money.
xv. Help you Acquire Skills and learn any trade of your choice.
xvi. Raise money through Crowd Funding for your business / treatment of a sick relative.
xvii. Give you the best business idea you can spend money on and earn millions of dollars.
. Are you looking for the company that will guarantee safest investment and most profitable returns for your money ?
TouchingLives International Company is the right company to turn to, when you are in need of any of the above.
This is the company that will work for you online, that is do all the work required for you to make money online. All you will need do is become a member.
" TouchingLives International is a Company founded to help people make money both online and offline.
We are out to put an end to getting scammed from worthless programs online and make, making money online especially from MLM programs ( which are one of the fastest, reliable way to make lot of money ) a lot easier for everyone involved.
We are not out for only online activities or businesses, we are also helping people make money offline. We are a company that will be bringing Income Opportunities to people, help them succeed on it by working with them and for them, create opportunities for people both online and offline and help improve people's businesses.
Our mission is to provide genuine income opportunity to people, so that, they can be able to attend to all their financial needs, live a better life. We are also helping people make more money from whatever Income Opportunities they are already in, like those in MLM programs and in need of downlines to move up and earn more money as well as those that needs more customers for their businesses. More customers,means more Profit / Income ".
Right now,
HelpingHands International is the Income Opportunities, TouchingLives International Company is bringing to people, help them make money and get all the incentives H2i is giving to members, by doing all the required work.
HelpingHands International is using a matrix program which requires all members to have downlines.
You can only make money from Matrix Programs when you have people placed under you. It does not matter whether you brought them in personally or they are Spillover from your sponsor.
On HelpingHands International, every member can only have two people placed under them. But you must make sure your downlines get their own two, for you to move up. Having their two each will push you to next Stage.
This is where you need TouchingLives International . The required downlines you and those placed under you will need to move up will be provided by the company.
Two will be placed under you and two under everyone placed under you.
You will be getting spillover from the company, meaning, your Referral link or username won't be used to register the people placed under you. As people are joining under the company, they are being placed under those that had registered but are yet to have their own two downlines.
If you want to have downlines registered with your link, you will have to pay the company for it.
You can pay for Six downlines which will move you to Stage Two ( two directly under you and two under each of the two placed under you, making six downlines ). The cost of this is $50 ( N8,000 ).
This number of downlines will qualify you for Director or Trustee Stage ( This stage requires members to have at least Four Personally Referred or Sponsored Downlines ).
For paying for the six downlines, you will earn more money from the company. These are what the six will earn you :
The Referring or Sponsoring Commission will go to you Instantly, which is $8 X 6 = $48 ( N7,920 )
You will get more Commissions for paying for the Six when they complete :
Stage Two --------- $100 X 6 = $600 ( N99,000 )
Stage Three --------- $150 X 6 = $900 ( N148,500 )
Stage Four --------- $300 X 6 = $1,800 ( N297,000 )
Stage Five --------- ( Stage Five will be completed Six Times. So they will get ) $600 X 6 ( Times ) = $3,600 X 6 ( Downlines ) = $21,600 ( N3,564,000 )
Total Commission For Six Personal Downlines = $24,900 ( N4,108,500 ).
Can you see your gain for paying $50 ?
It really pays a lot if you have personal downlines.
For those not having any personal downlines, what they will be getting are Stages completion bonuses. No commission or bonus from downlines.
The Earnings Are :
1. Stage One Bonus - $10
2. Stage Two Bonus - $1000
3. Stage Three Bonus - $3000
4. Stage Four Bonus - $6000
5. Stage Five Bonus - $12,000 X 6 ( Will Complete Stage Five Six Times ) = $72,000
When you are done with Stage Five, you will be re - entered back into same Stage Five and earn the same Stage Five earnings all over again.
This will continue up to Six Time. After this, you are to be promoted to Trustee or Director Stage and you must have Four Personally Referred Members who must be among those that will fill up the Trustee Matrix for you to get the Trustee Matrix Bonus & Incentives.
Since you have no referral or Personally Referred Downline here, you won't be entitled to Trustee or Director Stage Bonuses ( $80,000 ) & Incentives. All your activities with the company will end at Stage Five.
Total Earnings = $82,010 ( N13,531,650 ).
And other Incentives that comes with Stage Two / Three / Four / Five - Check TouchingLives Int site for more details on this.
If you are able to referred or sponsor four new members, you will qualify for all earnings and incentives from the H2i company.
You should take up the option of buying downlines from TouchingLives International and qualify for everything H2i is offering their partners.
TouchingLives International is having some projects they are working on. They are asking people to donate towards these projects and they will get back double ( 200% ) of what they donated back.
They will be registered for free on HelpingHands International ( Even if they are already registered, TouchingLives INT will still get them another account for donating to them. There is no IP restriction on H2I. You can have as many accounts as possible and even use the same email ) and get them up to 1,000 Direct Downlines. Meaning, their username will be used to register all the 1,000 downlines.
Your Total Earnings For Having 1,000 Downlines Are :
1. Stage Bonus Earnings :
i. Stage One Bonus - $10
ii. Stage Two Bonus - $1000
iii. Stage Three Bonus - $3000
iv. Stage Four Bonus - $6000
v. Stage Five Bonus - $12,000 X 6 ( Will Complete Stage Five Six Times ) = $72,000
vi. Trustee Or Director Stage Bonus - $80,000 ( Qualified because requirement of Four Direct Downlines had been met )
Total Stage Bonus Earnings = $162,010 ( N26,731,650 )
2. Sponsoring Commission for 1,000 Downlines
i. Instant Referring Commission - $8 X 1000 = $8000
ii. Stage Two Completion - $100 X 1000 = $100,000
iii. Stage Three Completion - $150 X 1000 = $150,000
iv. Stage Four Completion - $300 X 1000 = $300,000
v. Stage Five Completion - $600 X 6 X 1000 = $3,600,000
Everyone will complete Stage Five,Six times, so,you will earn commission of $600 from each of your direct Downline Six times. Multiply the total with the number of Direct Downlines you will get ( 1000 ).
Total Commission For One Thousand ( 1000 ) Direct Downlines = $4,158,000
Total Earnings : $162,010 + $4,158,000 = $4,320,010 ( N712,801,650 )
If you are able to bring or refer anyone to TouchingLives International who donate towards their projects, you will be given 5% instantly as commission.
You will see the full Donation Plans on the TouchingLives International site.
TouchingLives International is using all forms of advertising for their businesses. Some of them are :
1. Internet.
Placing Adverts on Facebook / Blogs & Other Sites with lot of Traffic or Visits daily
Posting on Forums everyday etc.
2. Advertising on TV.
3. Advertising on Radio
4. Using Billboards
5. Posters.
6. Fliers.
7. Stickers.
8. News & Sport papers
Millions of people read News and Sport papers everyday.
9. YouTube Video
10. Placing Adverts on Commercial Buses
This is another form of advertising that is yielding good results. Public or commercial buses especially the long ones are being used.
11. Big Offline Banners
Big Offline banners are being used to promote to people and they are placed in places with lot of people passing by or always visiting.
12. Seminars
In case of programs or opportunities that can earn people money, Online and Offline seminars are organized to get people into it. The seminar are being held in lot of places. It will be announce two weeks on Internet,Radio, TV, Newspapers, Banners, Fliers before the date to make sure a lot of people attended.
Placing banners in Universities is also one of the methods the company is using.
They have teams of people that are going out daily to Schools, Mosques, Churches, Shops, Offices to promote and also Distribute Fliers, Paste Posters.
The company is having Representatives throughout the world.
They are working on their forum. They are targeting at least 1,000,000 ( One Million ) members within a year. This will help a lot in their advertising.
Let's say, they target Africa alone, there are millions of people that are jobless and in need of something they can do, that will be a source of Income for them . If a good opportunity is brought into their attention and they are assured of making good money from it, they will grab it with both hands.
This is what TouchingLives International is doing right now. With all these forms of advertisement, Millions of people will be enticed. You and everyone involved will earn money.
Join TouchingLives International today and let them work for you.
Benefits For Being One Of TouchingLives INT Downlines on H2I are :
1. TouchingLives International company’s configured Polo Shirt / Face Cap / Ink Pen / Higher Education Notebook / Jotter as gift. These will be send to you immediately you join TouchingLives International wherever you are through Courier services
2. They will work for you and make sure you get all the money and incentives HelpingHands INT is giving members.
3. 10% Discount on any of their services you paid for ( especially when you are buying HelpingHands International ewallet dollars ).
4. Special attention whenever you need help from them.
You will only get all these if you join directly through the company, not under their downlines.
Are you looking for something to rely on when you retired, this is it. It is your best chance. This will be the best decision you've taken if you consider this.
This is your chance to earn millions online and its is more interesting that, there is a company that is ready to do all the necessary work for you to make these money online.
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Facebook : tlint2014
Skype : tlint2014
VIBER : 2348066677674
FRING : 2348066677674
Tango : 2348066677674
ALMAOUD : 2348066677674
WhatsApp : +2348066677674
Yahoo Messenger : tlint2014
Email :
Phone : +2348038729885 / +2348182277716
+2348158113801 / +2348127630367
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