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Get Paid $10 Directly To Your Ecurrency Account For Posting Banners.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013 By Charlly

Yes,you will start making money starting from the moment you join this site and display or post the banners of any site you want to promote on it.

             Apart from earning money from it,you will also get referrals for the program you are promoting its banner.

   Below are the benefits in joining this site :

 1. You get millions of views,clicks to the site or program whose banner you are promoting.

 2. You get paid $10 directly to your ecurrency account.You do not need to ask for withdrawal at all.The money will be sent to your account instantly.
    The site was set up in such a way that,everyone must check,i mean click on the banner and check the site out.If 100 people clicked the banner,you will surely get at least 30 that will like the program you are promoting and sign up thereby helping you get down-lines or referrals which means more money for you.

    To join this site and start posting your banner and making money,you have to click on my referral link.When you have done this,you will be directed to a page where you will be asked to clicked on all the eight banners on it.

                You will only be required to clicked all the banners,not join the sites that you will be directed to.If you like any of the eight sites you will be directed to,you can join them.
 After all eight banners had been clicked,you will then be directed to the registration page.

                  When you are done with the registration,you will then need to include your own banner to the site so that people that wants to join the site too can view and click your own banner as well.

     You need to click on " Manage Banners " among the links or menu by your left hand site when you have login to your member area on the site. You will see the link under " Your Profile "  link.Click on it and add your banners and you are good to go.

 If you don't know what banners are :

    It is a form of advertising a site.I can call it an image or photo. Example of a banner is this :

  Copy it to your browser if it is not click-able and press enter key to see the image or banner.

 That is a 468 X 60 banner.

 468 represent the Width
 60 represent the Height.

   This is the form of banner the site i am referring to here,allows.If you submit other form of banner,it will be deleted.

           When posting a banner on any site,you will be required to post two links :

 1. The banner image link . The link i posted above is the image link

 2. The destination link - This is the link that will direct the person that clicked the banner to the site you are promoting or using the banner.

      It is your referral link ( the link that you will be using to invite new people to the site you are promoting.When clicked,it will show you are the person that brought the new member to the site and credited for that ).

     Example is this -

              On any site you join and you want to advertise it using banners,if you click on its advertising or promotional tools or methods and you choose banner,you will see the full banner code like this :

    <a href=""><img src="" width=468 height=60 /></a>

       That is a code not a link you can put on your browser.It will only work when inserted on sites or blog as the admin or owner of that site or blog.

       For you to post the banner link and destination link on any site that allows you to post your banner,you will need to extract both the banner link and the destination link from the above code.

     The one that is having the above code is


     If you want to post its banner link on any site,you will copy the link starting from the first https://.That is you will remove <a href=" .

 This is the referral or destination link - .

  Start copying again from the second https://  and end it at gif.

      This is the image or banner link.

 It is only the two extracted link you will need to post on the site you want to post your banner on

           Hope you understand all that.

   When posting the banner and destination links,you may be asked to post also a headline or subject for the banner,you can type what you think will work towards bringing people to click the banner.

       Something like - " Start Earning Money Today " or Join & Get Paid Today.

             That is all about banners.

 On the site i am referring to here,there are " Free Membership " and " Upgraded membership " .

     Free members can join up and post maximum of three banners while upgraded members can post 20 banners.
             Benefits of having upgraded account are :

 1. $10 will be paid directly to your ecurrency account from the upgrade ( which cost only just $10 ) of anyone that joined through you or your referrals.The admin won't touch the money.Everything goes straight to your account.It is your account details that the new member that want to upgrade will see not the admin's own or anyone else.

 2. Opportunity to post as much as 20 banners.

 3. Upgraded member's banners will rotate or appear on the front page of the site 5 times faster or more often than free members.

 4. Opportunity to post 30 cloaked Url.

     As you can see here,only upgraded members is having the chance of  getting paid the $10 over and over again.Free members will earn nothing.

 Read this :

      While you are a Free member, your referrals stay in your group only if they are also Free members. If they upgrade ( with just $10 ) ahead of you, they will move up over you and be placed under the next upgraded member !

       This means,if you refer someone who paid for the upgrade while you are still a free member,the person and the money will be passed to the person who brought you in so far that person too is an upgraded member.If not,it will be moved up to the person that referred the member that referred you.

 You can try and see this by creating an account using your referral link and try upgrading the new account. You will notice that the money you are about to pay is going to your account if you are upgraded,if not to the person that referred you if he or she is upgraded.

                The upgrading fee is just $10 and it is a one time payment.Once you have paid for that,you are upgraded for life and you will be getting the $10 from others members upgrade directly to your account.

 If you join now and post your banner and become an upgraded member,,your banners will be shown to those that wanted to join the site as a new member,no matter if you refer them or not.

            This is a big opportunity here for you and me to make money promoting any other programs we might be in and make money the same time.

    If you don't have any site you can promote its banner,you can join and use its banner on this site. You earn from those that joined up clicking the banner and also earn from the site i posted about here.

  That is two guarantee ways of making money for you.

   By the way,this site uses both Payza ( Alertpay ) and Paypal for upgrades.So,you need to fill your profile with any of these two accounts.

       If you don't have payza account,go to and create one.It is totally free.

  Choose " Personal Starter Account " . With this,you won't pay any fees for any money that comes in so far you haven't got in more than $400 within the month.

      If you prefer paypal,go to and create your account too if you don't have one.Remember,not all country are allowed to use Paypal. Nigeria had been banned from using their service,instead use Payza.
         To get money into your payza account,go to this site - .That is an exchanger site.He sells payza dollar and also buys payza dollars from people.
 The cost of getting the $10 payza is not even up to N2000 in Nigeria,it is N1,660.

   The site had been online for a long time now and lot of people are on it.The number of members is 18,000 plus and the Alexa Rank worldwide right now is 29,000 out of millions of sites online.
 You can see,millions of people are visiting it.Your banner will surely get clicked and you will get sign ups or referrals.

      When i paid for my upgrade,my account was changed from FREE to PAID member within minutes.

 To get your own upgrade done :

    Click on " HOW IT WORKS " link among the Menus on your left hand side,on the page that comes up,scrow down until you see the " Upgrade Now " link .

    Click on the link and you will be directed to the page where you will do your upgrade.You will be given the option of choosing Payza or Paypal payment.

      If you choose Payza payment,click on the option and you will see this page :

Very Important! - How To Upgrade Using Payza
 (former AlertPay)

During the transitional period from AlertPay to Payza, here are the instructions for submitting a payment..

It's very important that you follow all the steps in our instructions precisely!
 You are paying $10 to Serge Cote, User Id: 12998.


 Go to Payza login page in a new window: (opens in a new window).
Log In with your Payza (AlertPay) email and password.
Click on "Send Funds" - top menu bar.
Copy and paste the following email  into the field "To (Enter email address)"
Put 10.00 into the field "Amount".
Select "Service " in "Purchase Type" menu.
Copy and paste the following  into the "Note" field . (it is NOT optional, for proper processing you have to paste the line there!).
 Click "Next" and follow directions to complete the transaction.
Check your mailbox associated with your Payza (AlertPay) email, look for an email with the subject " Payza: Money sent" from Payza, and send (forward) this email to
 Sending this email to us is the only way to make sure that your status is upgraded!
 If you don't have a Payza account you can register HERE -it's free!

  The Payza email listed here isn't the correct one you will send payment to.You will see the correct one when you have are about to do your upgrade.

  Sign up now and start getting paid $10 over and over again : 

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About the Author

My name is Charles.I am someone who wants to be making his life income mainly from internet and i have been doing this for the past eight years. I am ready to help anyone who wants to be like me too.All you need is to get in touvh with me and always check this blog for updates. .

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