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Here Are The Ways To Advertise Your Programs & Get Referrals.

Friday, 27 December 2013 By Charlly

Lot of people are having problem referring people to their programs. Below are the ways you can use and it had been working perfectly for me. It will for you as well if you try them :

1. Write a message about the program and post it on your blogsite. If you want to be able to advertise anything to people and get good result,you need to have a blogsite. Having that,will make things very easy. I can help with that. 
        People from all over the world will be visiting the blogsite and they will join what you are advertising in there. You won't have to be telling them one by one or send emails. They will visit and read for themselves. Once they have checked the site and love your write up,they will be coming back for more. That means,you have gotten a follower.

  I can help get you get a blogsite. i will create it and design it for you. It will cost you $20 ( N3000 ). I will create,design and promote it for you online. Meaning,i will get people to visit it. I will also help post message about the program you are involved with on it and that will get you referrals fast. I paid $130 ( N20,000 ) for the guy that helped with my blogsite. He only create and designed it. I did not know my way around that then. I want to offer you this opportunity now,grab it. i will also teach you all you need to know on how to manage it.

2. Wrote a short message and post it on your facebook page and other social sites. It is good to be posting the message everyday if you have time. The more you post,the more chance of attracting readers. Write a short message describing a bit of what the company is all about and include a link that will lead anyone interested to read more about it in your blogsite.

3. Post a message about your programs on forums. There are lot of forums that you can use. I can give you the list. Forums are getting thousands of visits daily. Wrote the message in an attractive way and you will get readers immediately you posted it. You can get 200 readers within an hour and at least 50 will be interested in what you are promoting. You can make it short and direct them to read more about it from your blogsite.

  Your readers will subscribe to the blogsite and everyday,they will be checking to see if there are more posts from you they can read and benefit from. This is one of the great benefit of having a blogsite.

4. You can also advertise this company by typing a short message on a A4 paper and attach or paste it to a crowdy area. I mean,area where lot of people always visit. It can be a Garage,Barbing Shop,A Cyber Cafe, Church Notice Board,Bus Stop,Football Viewing Centres etc. You can as well,print the message on a small paper and be handling them to anyone you think will be interested. Everyone loves easy money.Make sure it is an eye catching message. Include your phone numbers they can call you on for more details.

  If you have your own car,you can attach the paper to a place where you think people can easily see and read it. This is advertising.

5. I also have some companies that will help advertise to 100,000 plus people for a token of N5,000. N5,500 will enable you advertise on a Business Newspaper and with N5,000,there is a company that will post on its facebook page for you. It is having more than 100,000 followers.

6. On forums that you join,update your signature with a link to your blogsite. Whenever you comment on any topic,people will see the link and visit your site.

7. Join Surfing or Traffic Exchange site and add your site or program. There are lot of them out there. Some do offer free credits to new members and there are automatic surfing site ( that,you won't have to click anything. the site will be surfing itself ).

8. You can also use Paid To Click sites. With $2,you can get 2000 visitors or click to the site pr program you are promoting. Out of the 2000 visitors,you will get some that will like your program and join it.

9. Join programs that allow its members to place adverts on it and as well make money from it. such one is this -

   Infact,it is a must join for you if you are looking for referrals. If you want to join,do it now. You will be making money for being its member. It will be sharing 50% of its revenue with you for life. Over 30,000 members are already on it. 

              The moment you join it,you will be allowed to add your programs and it will be showing on its front page.

The site is averaging over 55,000 hits a day now and over 345,000 page impressions. This is a good place to place one's other site's referral links and get referrals.

         Join now and you won't be disappointed.

                 All these are some of the way i am advertising my programs online and i am getting good results. I have lot of people following me.

       If you consider them,you will be getting lot of people that will be joining under you on your programs.

                           Check my blogsites for more updates  :



            For any assistance,get in touch through :

                      Skype : Charlly009

                 Facebook : Charlly008

                 Yahoo Messenger : Charlly009

                 Phone Numbers : +234(0)8127630367


About the Author

My name is Charles.I am someone who wants to be making his life income mainly from internet and i have been doing this for the past eight years. I am ready to help anyone who wants to be like me too.All you need is to get in touvh with me and always check this blog for updates. .

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