Join & Be Earning Money Directly To Your Bank - Get Loan Without Collateral.
Posted in Central Bank Of Nigeria, Collateral, Commission, direct bank payment, Gift, Loans, Micropaymart, Referring, scam
Monday, 9 December 2013 By Charlly
Join this legally registered company and be earning money directly to your bank everyday and get loan from it without collateral. Members are making lot of money daily to their bank account. You don't need to use ecurrency or any third party to get your money into your hand.
It is a company that is legally registered and is having a real office not virtual like most programs . I have been to their office and i am happy with what i saw. They are someone who really mean business and not be after scamming people.
The company is a Co-operative organization working to establish meaningful and sustainable development in Africa and the world at large. It is a company involved in a range of programs in Africa and the world at large supporting education, achieving milestones in your life, being able to achieve your goals and targets by acquiring things you want to acquire, providing microfinance services for small businesses, improving your job skills / leadership development training etc. Additionally, they help provide job-related training to youths and also help businesses by providing training and start-up or growth funds.
Some Of The Activities They Provide are :
Workforce empowerment - job skills training
Micro-finance / micro-lending and small business training, start-up tool kits (such as sewing machines)
Advert platform for partner companies which will invariably increase their sales
Exhibition and trade fair to interact together with customers and companies
Award Recognition for both partner and Members
Access to get intervention funds to meet up with personal targets and goals
Social networking and interaction with other members
Employment opportunities and access to capital for entrepreneurs / infopreneurs
One of the major reason the company was established is to provide financial help for those in need of funds,help businesses grow and make live better for everyone. Lots of banks are involved,including Central Bank of Nigeria. Money loan out are from these banks. They are the company's sponsors.
You can join the company mainly to request for loan if you wish and you can as well join it to make money for yourself without asking for loan or join to improve your business by seeking for their help in advertising it to other members or help you sell them.
Getting loans from this company is very easy. No collateral is involved. You only need to scan to them a valid Identity, utility bill i.e PHCN or Water Bill as proof of address and a passport photo or picture as they will want to know their members or you can submit to their head office or branches or to their Agents.
The Guarantors can be from their VIP members or their Network Members.
. The loans from this company charges maximum interest rate of 15% which only applies to loans promised to pay back in 12 month's time. If you are paying back within three months,interest rate is 5%.Six months loans attracts 8% interest. The company did mentioned that,they will be charging 0% on loans as time goes on.
A quote from the company
" We also want to build trust, 2nd time loans will be easier and attract less interest.We can also give more than a million especially to people who are not first timers accessing the loans " .
You can make money without asking for loans by bringing new people into the company.I mentioned it earlier that,you will be paid when you join the company.The company pays all new members and when you bring in new people,you will get more money for that. Tell your friends and family ( No IP restriction ). It doesn't matter if they are mainly after the loan,so far they joined the company using your link or username,you will get paid. You can earn up to N3000 ( $20 ) per each person brought in. Money earned can be transferred directly to your Local Bank account from the site
You can make money by joining the company's cooperative program & contribute money which will be loan out to members & you will be earning interest.
You can also make more money by bringing in your funds & the company will trade with it,with their partner companies by buying goods and making it available to their members and you will be getting interest based on the amount contributed. The company will use the money to buy goods in bulk & get a good price,makes the goods available to members at a lower price to market price. The company will still make margins on a fast turnover because members can also buy it in bulk and sell to outsiders and still make their profit so they will be able to make a fast turnover.
You will be given unique password to your own replicated website as well to see how your account is performing ( that is,see what you are getting daily for the money contributed ) and you will be classified as VIP member.
As a VIP member you can also introduce another VIP partner or network members. You will be paid 10% on any class of members, whether a network member or a VIP member.
You can also make money by using the company to promote your businesses. This company uses all sorts of promotion methods,be it Radio,TV stations,Newspapers etc. Whatever you are selling and you want it exposed to the world,you only need to send the details to the company through this email " " .
Members can enjoy advertisement on the company's website, all their media outreach, programs like exhibitions, the company own and outside exhibitions like international trade fair e.t.c. The company will buy goods from members and offer to other members on installmental basis.
To become a member of this company,you have to choose the membership type you want. The membership types are :
A. Classic Membership
This membership cost nothing to have.It is totally free and you will be getting paid N10 ( Ten Naira ) or $0.075 for each new member that join the company through you who also opt for the Classic ( Free ) Membership as well.
You will also be earning 10% of the money used to upgrade to other Memberships . What i mean here is that,if you refer someone and he or she upgrade his or her account,you will be paid 10% of the money used to do the upgrading.
These are the earnings :
N10 for referring another Classic ( Free ) Member
N300 for referring Sapphire Member
N1000 for referring Jade Member
N2000 for referring Ruby Member
N3000 for referring Diamond Member.
B.Sapphire Membership
This membership cost N3,500 ( $24 ). As soon as you have paid the money,your account will be activated and you will also be credited with N100. You will see it in your account on the site. That will be your first earning.
If you refer another member who upgrade to Sapphire Membership,you will earn N500.00 ( $3.34 ) on 1st level downlines while N200.00 ( $1.34 ) will be paid on 2nd generation to 5th generation downlines. Also,a Sapphire Member can introduce other membership types and earn N3000 ( $20 ) too.
C. Jade Membership
This Membership cost N10,500 and you will get N200 as welcome bonus. N1,500.00 will be paid on 1st level downlines while N500.00 will be paid on 2nd generation to 7th generation downlines. Also, a Jade Member can introduce other membership types and earn N3000 ( $20 ).
D. Ruby Membership
This Membership cost N21,000 and you will get N500 as welcome bonus. N2,000.00 will be paid on 1st level downlines while N700.00 will be paid on 2nd generation to 10th generation downlines. Also, a Ruby Member can introduce other membership types and earn N3000 ( $20 ).
E. Diamond Membership
This Membership cost N31,000 and you will get N1000 as welcome bonus. N3,000.00 will be paid on 1st level downlines while N1000.00 will be paid on 2nd generation to 10th generation downlines. Also, a Diamond Member can introduce other membership types.
You can check my blogsite which is included with this message for the full earning structure and full details about the company.
As for the Loans,this applies to each Membership :
A. Classic Membership
This membership cannot request for loan since it is a free membership. For this membership to enjoy loan,it need to be upgraded to any of the higher membership.
B. Sapphire Membership
This membership can request for loan but the maximum amount of loan is N50,000 .To request more,the membership will need to be upgraded to higher membership.
C. Jade Membership
This membership can also request for loan and the maximum it can request for is N250,000.
D. Ruby Membership
This membership can request for a maximum loan of N500,000
E. Diamond Membership
This membership can request maximum of N1,000,000
Like i mentioned earlier,maximum interest rate is 15% which only applies to loans promised to pay back in 12 month's time. If you are paying back within three months,interest rate is 5%.Six months loans attracts 8% interest. The company did mentioned that,they will be charging 0% on loans as time goes on.
This company is also giving out Gift Packages to appreciate member's works. The Gifts will be given to the member whose networks or downlines reach targeted numbers.
Some of the gifts are :
A Blackberry Smartphone
Laptop / Flatscreen TV
An Ipad
Household Gadgets
Car Award
Travel / Vacation
Mega Car Award
House Fund / 3 Bedroom Bungalow
This is no small company. A lot of people are rushing it now and many are getting loans everyday. Was told by one of their officials that,they are working on displaying the list of those that had gotten the loans on their site to show that,they are real.
I did checked their office . You can see their address on their site. Click on the Contact page. You too can visit them and see things for yourself.
They pay directly to members Local Bank Accounts. You don't need to buy ecurrencies or use any third party to make money from it. You can withdraw your money directly to your bank account.
I have seen all i need to see to convince me this is a good company to make money from.
Join me and let's make money together from the company. As one of my downline,i will help you get referrals and make money,so that you won't rely only on the company loan,if the loan is your only target.
If you want,you can apply to be one of their agents. They are looking for agents right now. They need representatives everywhere. Was told,there are special benefits for that as well. I am considering applying for it.
Remember the gifts involved for being a member of the company.No other company or program ever done that. I am targeting those gifts. You too should. It is possible,all you need is the believe that you can and you will.
The name of this company is
Their site is -
Go to the site and register.
Very important :
Fill in " Charlly007 "
in the Referral Username box.
This will place you as one of my downlines and will be able to help you all through.
you sign up,you have to go to your email for the activation link. You
have to activate your account by clicking the link sent to your email.
If you can't see it in your inbox,do check the spam folder.
If it is in the spam folder,add the email address of the company to
your contact and next email will arrive in your inbox. You can as well
mark the message as Not Spam. Next one will land in your inbox.
Hope you get this ?
When you want to refer any new member,give them your username too and they will need to enter it in the same Referral Username Box and they will be placed under you.
Each member whether free or upgraded earns you money. Bring your family and friends. You will be earning up to 10th level. This means referring just one person can do the wonder for you.
I promised to help you refer new members,part of what i will do is get you a blogsite,compose a post about the program and post it on the blogsite. Advertise it to people. I will also tell you different ways you can advertise the program & gain lot of referrals fast.
Your gain is my gain. When you bring in new people,you will earn and i will also earn. So,why shouldn't i help you ?
This is the Company Address & Other contact details :
1B, Adefolu drive, Off Bamishile Street,
Opp. Mama Cass Restaurant, Allen Avenue,
Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria.
+234(0)8020971156, +234(0)8035775089,
+234(0)805956466, +234(0)8081188338
Email :
Note this :
When you are doing your registration and you choose any of the upgraded membership,you will need to pay the money involved and get your account activated before you can be able to log in.
You can either pay the money directly to the company's GTBank account and use your username as the depositor name and called them to notify them. Once you have done that,you will need to wait for them to activate the account before you can log in.
Their bank details are :
Bank: GTBank
Account Name: Earn-Link Universal Ltd
Account Number: 0010792673
Please ensure the depositor's name used is your username
Call me and get my GTBank account. Pay the money into it and i will help you activate your account within minutes. This will be much faster than waiting for hours. You know the company will be dealing with thousands of people. It will be a case of first come first serve.
Anyone outside Nigeria that wanted to join should reach me first and i will put him or her through. The company is working on adding ecurrencies and other ways those outside Nigeria can pay for their membership & also get paid. Part of that method is paying directly to their Local Bank accounts.
You should be checking my blogsite for updates about the company :
For more clarification or assistance,you can reach me anytime through :
Skype : Charlly009
Facebook : Charlly008
Yahoo Messenger : Charlly009
Phone Numbers : +234(0)8127630367
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