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Join & Get Paid $9 / $15 / $30 / $60 / $100 / $200 / $400 / $800 Multiple Times Directly & Automatically To Your Payment Accounts.

Sunday, 5 January 2014 By Charlly

Join these programs and you will be getting paid $9 / $15 / $30 / $60 / $100 / $200 / $400 / $800 multiple times. I mean this and it is 100% guarantee.

    You may join,activate your account and do nothing more. You will be having new members placed under you and they will be sending money to your payment accounts. 

      The money you will be getting will be going straight to your payment accounts,no third party. There is no need to request for payment,it will be sent directly and automatically to your payment accounts - Paypal / Solidtrustpay / Payza / Perfectmoney / Egopay / Okpay.

                       The programs are :

1. This is a 5x4 Forced Matrix Program.

                5 x4 matrix program means,you will be earning money as new members are placed under you. You will only have maximum of five people on the first level. And there are four levels on each phase ( Phase 1 and Phase 2 ).

You earn money for having people under you starting from the first person to the fifth person and also when those five are having their own five each placed under them. It goes on and on up to the last level,that is your indirect's indirect's indirect's indirect's indirect's indirect's referrals etc.

To join and start making money from it,you will have to start with $9 membership fee. This is a one time fee you have to pay that will get your account or membership activated and get you Level 1. The $9 fee will make for you Thousand of dollars.

     Note This :

1.Must pay the membership fee within three days of signing up or the site script ( Not admin ) will delete your account. This is automatic.

2. Must fill your payment accounts into the Payment Settings . Failure to do this will cause your account to be locked and you will loose earnings.

3. Must be checking your accounts daily for any payments from those place under you because you will be the one to approve their account activation once you have confirmed their payment to you. You must confirm their payments and activate their account within two days.

4. Read all instructions on the site and understand them.

      Here are your earnings :

Phase 1

Level 1 - You pay $9 for it and you will earn $45 ( Each member placed under you will pay $9 directly to your payment account )

Level 2 - You pay $15 for it and you will earn $375 ( Each member placed under you will pay $15 directly to your payment account )

Level 3 - You pay $30 for it and you will earn $3750 ( Each member placed under you will pay $30 directly to your payment account )

Level 4 - You pay $60 for it and you will earn $37,500 ( Each member placed under you will pay $60 directly to your payment account )

Phase 2

Level 5 - You pay $100 for it and you will earn $500 ( Each member placed under you will pay $100 directly to your payment account )

Level 6 - You pay $200 for it and you will earn $5000 ( Each member placed under you will pay $200 directly to your payment account )

Level 7 - You pay $400 for it and you will earn $50,000 ( Each member placed under you will pay $400 directly to your payment account )

Level 8 - You pay $800 for it and you will earn $500,000 ( Each member placed under you will pay $800 directly to your payment account )

  Total - $597,170.

              It is possible to earn more than this. You also need to make sure you upgrade as soon as possible to higher levels in order not to miss getting paid by those placed under you who may wish to upgrade to higher levels. I will advice you to at least start with Level 1 and Level 2. 

       When you have made money,then upgrade to Level 3 and so on. If you did not upgrade to the Level that the person placed under you wanted to upgrade to,the money will go to the next person above you who is upgraded to that level. Lot of people are missing money because they stay in Level 1. I am getting such money too. For you not to miss any commission,start with at least Level 1 and Level 2. 

  You can't jump Level 1. You have to first upgrade your Level 1 and then move to Level 2.

Remember,i will get people under you and my upline,that is my sponsor will also do the same,you don't need to refer anyone. 

      Here,the more money you give,the more you make.

Apart from making money,there are over 160 resalable e-books and software available for members when they enter the system.

Join Now :


2. This is a 4x4 Forced Matrix Program.

              Here,you can only have four people under you on first Level and each of the two stages is having Four levels. Cost of joining this one is just $1.75. You must also pay for your activation within three days or your account will be automatically removed. 

Always check your account for new member's payment and confirm it and activate their account.

        Here are your earnings :

 Stage 1

Level 1 - You pay $1.75 for it and you will earn $7 ( Each member placed under you will pay $1.75 directly to your payment account )

Level 2 - You pay $5 for it and you will earn $80 ( Each member placed under you will pay $5 directly to your payment account )

Level 3 - You pay $10 for it and you will earn $640 ( Each member placed under you will pay $10 directly to your payment account )

Level 4 - You pay $20 for it and you will earn $5,120 ( Each member placed under you will pay $20 directly to your payment account )

    Stage 2

  Level 5 - You pay $40 for it and you will earn $160 ( Each member placed under you will pay $40 directly to your payment account )

Level 6 - You pay $80 for it and you will earn $1,280 ( Each member placed under you will pay $80 directly to your payment account )

Level 7 - You pay $160 for it and you will earn $10,240 ( Each member placed under you will pay $160 directly to your payment account )

Level 8 - You pay $320 for it and you will earn $81,920 ( Each member placed under you will pay $320 directly to your payment account )

          Total - $99,447.

Start with at least Level 1 and Level 2 which will cost less than $7. You also don't need to refer here for you to get paid. My upline and myself will be doing that for you. We will fill your downlines and you will earn money.

      Sign Up Now :


3. This is an advertising program that shares 50% of its monthly revenue with Founder members ( those that join before its launching date which is on January 31st 2014 ).

        As a member,you can place your adverts on it and be getting exposures. Right now,it is having more than 30,000 members out fo which 10,000 plus are upgraded members. it had been operating since year 2012 but had not officially launched. All those that join before its launching date will be founding members and entitled to 50% of the site revenue for life. Those that join after,it had launched will not be entitled to that.

To be a founding member and be able to place your adverts on it and be getting a share of its revenue,you need to upgrade your account with $4. It is a one time fee. If you delay and join after launching date,you will be charged $15 monthly.

                    For being its members you will get :

$2 referring commission before launching date

5000 Banner and Text credits per month

3000 website credits per month

25% of all advertising that you sell

10% of all advertising your referrals sell down to 10 levels deep.

50% for all Founding Members

$10 for all founding members for referring new members after launching date.

The site had been paying since year 2012.

Method of payments are : Solidtrustpay, Payza,Perfectmoney,Payza.

Join Now :

4.  This program is an advertising program where you can place your Banner and Text Adverts and also earn money from its 2 X 2 matrix. To be able to place adverts on it,you have to upgrade to the Level 1 matrix which cost $1 ( One Dollar ). There is Level 1 to level 20 on the site. As you are completing each levels,you will be moved to the next one.

Here,you will only have 2 people under you. You get paid for referring them and for filling your matrix. It is like a money cycler. When you have two people placed directly under you,you will cycle and get paid for that. When you cycle,you will move to next level and it will be paid for you on the site.

You will be given 1000 Banner and 1000 Text ads impressions to place any adverts you might have. You should join it and use it to increase your online earnings and advertise your other programs. The amount of money involved is just $1 but it is a monthly subscription program,that is you will be charged $1 monthly which will be earning you more money. It will be placed in your Matrix.

      Join Now :


5. This is a social sites that is under prelaunch and will be sharing its revenue with all members. You will also be paid for your daily activities on the site like logging in,connecting with othere members,placing adverts on it for free,referring new members etc.

All these will be earning you points which will be converted to shares. You can also sell the shares and get paid It is also having its own matrx program where you will only need to have 5 people under you.

        As at this moment,it is under prelaunch.Once it launch,members will start getting paid for their activities. You can use it as at now to advertise your other programs and it will be displayed on the site for three days after which you can place it again.

        Join Here :


6.  This program is a duly registered International Business Company (IBC) under the sovereign nation of Belize, Central America. Global corporate headquarters is located at the 5th floor of Marina Towers, Newtown Barracks, Belize City, Belize, Central America.

It is a referral program where you will be earning $20 for each person you brought into the program. It had been operating since year 2012 and getting stronger everyday. Right now,there is a promo going on. If you can refer just three people,you will be enter among those who will get the chance to win a brand new car in April. You can see the cars on the company site.

It is a bit like Matrix program where if you don't refer,you can still make money. Here,you will get paid $20 for bringing in new members and if the person is placed under you and your matrix is completed,you get paid $90.

You need to have seven people under you before your matrix is completed and you cycle. If you are the one that referred them all,that will be $150 payment in all.

The company pays members directly to their bank and through payza. You have to activate your account with $55. You need to purchase activation code and use it to activate your account on the site.

             For your payment,you have two options :

1.You ask for the admin’s Payza email ( if you are paying through Payza ) and Paypal email ( if paying through Paypal ). Send the $55 to the account. Note down the transaction code that looks like this – JH384-YQL4-6749 ( you will fill it in the registration form ).

You can get in touch with me for the admin payza email. I paid through payza,so i know the email. As for the Paypal email,i will ask my sponsor to help with that.

2. You can pay a member that is having the program new account activation code. A member that is having up to $55 can use his or her earning on the site to purchase activation code to help his or her referral or friends get their account activated instantly. All these option are inside each members account area on the site.

You can get in touch with me and ask if i have the activation code. You are going to pay whoever get you the activation code the exact amount you are to use to activate your account on the site which is $55,no more no less.

If you choose to pay the admin directly in order to activate your account

       Make the payment.

After you are done with payment,then click on this link & sign up :


That is all the sites for now that you can join and make money from and be rest assured you are not being scammed or going to get scammed. They are better than High Yield Investment Programs that can close down any minute.

Do not forget that,you don't need to refer before you make money from them. Just join up and be expecting payments.

   I am promoting them all over internet and help my referrals too.

       I am Using forums,social sites,newspapers,handbills,advertising sites etc. There are no better way of advertising than the ones i listed here. I am helping those that had joined me on the site and they are making money without doing anything.

I also create blogsite for them and refer people to it. This is helping in making sure they start making money fast from the programs. I can do the same for you. Making money online is something i have been doing for more than six years ago and it had been my only source of income and it will continue to be.

Get in touch with me and i will help you on these sites.

With $40 ( N7600 - if you are a Nigerian ) ,i will registered you on all of them minus the last one. Will advertise your link,create blog for you and make sure you start getting paid automatically within a short time.

This is better than investment program and this is your chance to make money from matrix programs without referring anyone yourself. If you have problem referring,this is your chance to get someone to do all that for you.

           Do get in touch with me and let me help you.

    My contact are :

Skype : Charlly009

Facebook : Charlly008

Yahoo Messenger : Charlly009

Phone Numbers :





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About the Author

My name is Charles.I am someone who wants to be making his life income mainly from internet and i have been doing this for the past eight years. I am ready to help anyone who wants to be like me too.All you need is to get in touvh with me and always check this blog for updates. .

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