Read This Post To Know How You Can Earn Over $500 From Paid To Post Sites Like I Did For Free.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011 By Charlly
Paid To Post Sites ( Paying Forum Sites ) are sites that will be paying you money for making posts or comments on them.Some are using 5cents ( $0.05 ),4cents ( $0.04 ),3cents ( $0.03 ),2cents ( $0.02 ),1cent ( $0.01 ) as the rate per post or comment.
Your earning depends on the number of posts or comments you are able to make.If a site is using 4cents ( $0.04 ),you will be paid $4 ( Four Dollars ) if you make 100 posts.Making posts isn't difficult at all.Two line comment is good enough for payment so far it makes sense and relates to the topic of discussion.
This simple post " Alertpay is one of the best online payment processor that i loves to use for my money transactions.I love the fact that they are allowing all countries to use their services and also giving everyone the chance to use Personal Starter Account which won't cost you anything whenever you get money in or out " will earn you 4cents ( $0.04 ) if that is the rate the site you are working on is using.One hundred of simple post like that will earn you $4.
You may be thinking it is too hard to work on Paid To Post Sites,what you need to know is,coming up with a plan will make things very easy.You can be making 20 posts or comments daily and will have 100 posts in a week.If you can devote more time and be making 50,60,70,80 posts daily,you will be earning $15 weekly,$60 monthly.
You need to also consider spreading your posting activities online.Work on at least three or four posting sites.Any comment you come up with,post it on all four and you will earn 16cents ( $0.16 ).Do make sure you post the comment on the right threads.If you post on " Money " thread of one of the sites,do the same on " Money " thread of the remaining sites.
The topics on forum sites are divided into sections,sub-forums,thread and posts.
For example,on Lotoftalks,there is Get Paid To ( GPT ) which is a section.Under this GPT section,you will see
i.Get Paid To Post
ii.Get Paid To Click ( PTC )
iii.Get Paid To Sign Up For Offers
iv.Get Paid To
v.GPT Payment Proof
vi.Closed/Scammed Get Paid To Sites.
All these are sub-forums.When you click on any of them,the next thing you are going to see are threads which can also be referred to Topics.On " Get Paid To Post ",the threads it contains are other sites that you can post on and make money.The sites posted are the Topic of Discussion.That is what you will be basing your comments on.If you click on the thread of " Earningpalace ",your post should be on earningpalace.
Working on Paid To Post sites is the best step to take if you are a newbie,someone who is just starting to earn money online or someone who wants to start.It is the best place to increase your knowledge on how to earn more money if you are an established online earner.
There are people in there that are far better than you.They have the knowledge.You will be learning from them by reading their posts or comments.Within a short time,you will be able to work online without relying on anyone for help.
This program is having lot of gains.Some are :
1.You will be earning money completely free.You will be paid taking into consideration the number of posts or comments you are able to come up with.If the rate per each post is 5cents,you will be paid $5 for 100 post.Do make sure you are making informative posts.
2.You will learn other ways you can make more money online.Paid to post sites mostly deals with earning online,it is the main topic of discussion.It is the right place to get any information on any site or program.It is the place to know the best site or program to work on,those that are paying and those that are not.There are proves of payments posted by members of such programs or sites to show they are paying.Even from reading other member's comments,you will be able to know how good the sites are.Paying forum sites will act as your guide.There will be less chance of losing your money and time to scam programs.
3.You will be able to know those facts or information that are necessary for you to be a successful online earner.
You will know :
i.What are ecurrencies ( Paypal,Alertpay,Libertyreserve,Payweb,Webmoney,PerfectMoney etc )
ii.How to create Account with any of them.
iii.How to manage them and keep them save from hackers.Lot of people are losing their money everyday to hackers,you will learn from them.
iv.How to fund the ecurrency accounts and withdraw your money out to your Local Bank Account.
v.How to use the Paid To Post site to advertise your programs to lot of people and get the desired result etc.
4.Meet reliable friends.By working on Paid To Post sites,you will be able to meet people from all countries.From posting with them,you will be able to know those you can trust and rely on.They will be your online business partners.I have a friend who is from India that i trust and who trust me.Whenever i need money online,he will lend me and will pay back as soon as i am paid by the programs i am working on.There are others like him.I am not using any official ecurrency exchanger to exchange my online money ( Paypal To Alertpay,Alertpay to Libertyreserve etc ) at all.I use to go for Frend To Friend exchange.There will be no charges or delay.It will be instant so far the person has the ecurrency ( ecurrency is online money ) that you want.
Getting someone to trust you isn't gonna happen in a day.You gotta be a good poster,kind,helpful,popular.Must not fight or quarrel with others.The kind of posts you make will reveal the kind of person you are.You can't hide it.
So if you are the kind that finds joy in duping people online,Paid To Post sites is the wrong place to be.You will be detected on time and you will be banned.
Like i mentioned earlier,these kind of sites are the best place to be.You can see some of the gains.You will be updating yourself on time as thing changes.Whenever there is a new program,you will be among the first to know.
By the way,if you have been using forum sites that are not paying you any money,you will understand a little bit of how to work on Paid To Post Sites.Posting or making comments are the same but the rules are not.Paid To Post forum sites are a bit strict in order to justify the money they are paying members.
Some of their rules are :
1.Copying and Pasting is not allowed.You cannot copy contents or post from anywhere,be it yours or not and paste it on these sites.If you do this,it will be deleted and you can be banned.Your post must be something you typed yourself.
2.Must not go off topic.Like i did mentioned earlier,threads are topics,your post or comment must relate to them.Let it be informative and relevant.Do not start asking questions.Since the topics are websites of other programs,you can visit them,check things out and make your comment based on your findings.
If you are commenting on Lotoftalks, a post like this : " Lotoftalks is one of the best forum sites of today.The admin always attend to member's payment request on time and there are lot of interesting contests created by him to increase member's earnings " will be accepted.But if you post " I want to make money online and will try posting on paying forum sites " won't be accepted.There is nothing in there that relates to Lotoftalks or help people understand what the site is all about.It is compulsory to stay on the topic been discussed.
3.Must not quarrel,abuse,insult other members.
4.Must not post or create New Threads or Topics already created by someone else.As a newbie on posting sites,it is far better to concentrate on making comments on topics that are available on the site.
5.Most Paid To Post site only allows maximum of 10 new threads or topics per day.This applies to those who loves creating new topics,ten threads or topics is the maximum you can create in a day.If you disobey that,you will be punished.
6. Do not include your affiliate or referral link to threads or topics you are commenting on.This is called hijacking.You can only include your link if you are the one that created the topic or thread.
7.You must post your payment request in the " Payment Section ".You have to create a new thread or topic on that section.It must be like this :
Tittle :Charlly007 - 1st Payment Request ( AP ) - This will be the headline of the post and should be posted on the first box.( AP means Alertpay and it is what i preferred as the payment of payment.If you prefer Libertyreserve,type ( LR ) in there.
8.Must not post back to back on the same thread.You need to allow someone else to post after yours before making another one on the particular thread or topic you are working on.
All these are some of the rules you need to follow.You can check the rest by going to " Rules & Regulations " section after you had signed up.
Let me list the best Paid To Post Sites for now :
This is one of the best forum site.I have earned more than $100 from it.The admin is kind,friendly and pays on time.The forum site is also having lot of people that are posting on it everyday.So,you won't feel bored.There is a char feature which you can use and chat one on one with others especially those moderating the site.If you need helps,you can ask for that on the chat Engine or send Private Message ( PM ) to any member and they will help you out on time.My Username is " Charlly007 ".If you need any help,just search for my posts especially on " Get Paid To Post " section and right click my Username " Charlly007 ".You will see the option to either add me as a friend or send a private message.Click on any of them and i will get back to you on time.
You need to first check the Rules and Regulation of this site after you had signed up.Let the rules guide you.I have to mention here that,members of this site are lucky to have moderators that are kind and helpful.They don't ban anyhow,instead,they will try to help you in making quality posts.So,you got nothing to fear.
The posting rate on the site for now is 3cents for both New Thread or Topic created and Post or comment.The admin did promised to increase it to 4cents the forum was paying before very soon.There are lot of contests you can go for and increase your earnings.It is the kind of contests where everyone is a winner.So,do check them out.
On Lotoftalks,not all sections are paying ones.The list of paying and non paying sections are :
LOT Announcement & Discussions
-- Rules & Regulations 0 0 0
-- News, Announcements, Questions & Answers 0 0 0
-- Community Questions & Answers 0 0 0
-- Cash & Prize Contest 0 0 0
-- Payment Section 0 0 0
---- Approved 0 0 0
---- Denied 0 0 0
---- Paid 0 0 0
---- LOT Payment Proof 0 0 0
---- LOT Contest Payment Proof 0 0 0
---- LOT Investment Plan Payment Proof 0 0 0
-- Attendance Register 0 0 0
HYIPs, AutoSurfs, GPT and Other High Risk Oppurtunities
-- HYIP High Yield Investment Programs Discussion 5 4 0
---- HYIP Payments Section 1 1 0
---- Closed / Scam / Inactive HYIPs 0 0 0
-- AutoSurf, Manual Surf & Paid to Surf Programs Discussion 5 4 0
---- Surf Payments Section 1 1 0
---- Problem / Scam 0 0 0
GPT (Get Paid to Programs)
---- Paid to Click 5 4 0
---- Paid to Post 5 4 0
---- Paid to Signup Offers 5 4 0
---- GPT Payment Proofs 1 1 0
Money Cyclers & Doubler 5 4 0
---- Payment Proofs 1 1 0
---- Scam/Closed 0 0 0
Forex- Foreign Exchange & Trading & Bettings
-- Interactive Forex Trading Discussion 3 3 0
-- Forex Brokers 3 3 0
-- Forex Signals 1 1 0
-- Forex Newbies 2 2 0
-- Forex General Discussion 3 2 0
-- Forex Articles 1 1 0
-- Forex Indicators 3 2 0
-- Forex Analysis 3 2 0
-- Susan-Forex winning Strategy 3 2 0
-- Kiras Hideout 3 2 0
-- David Den 3 2 0
---- Sports Betting Payment Proofs 1 1 0
Payment Processor & Currency Exchange 5 4 0
-- Payment Processor & E-Currency 5 4 0
---- Paypal 5 4 0
---- Alertpay 5 4 0
---- LibertyReserve 5 4 0
-- Currency Exchange Service 5 4 0
-- Member to Member e-currency exchange 0 0 0
Webmaster 5 4 0
-- Google 5 4 0
-- Yahoo 5 4 0
-- Web Design & Development 5 4 0
---- Graphics & Multimedia 5 4 0
---- HTML & CSS 5 4 0
---- Programming 5 4 0
---- PHP 5 4 0
---- Other Programming Languages 5 4 0
-- Web Hosting Discussion 5 4 0
LOT Market Place 0 0 0
General Section 0 0 0
World wide Room 1 1 0
LOT Casino 5 4 0
-- Rules & Regulations 0 0 0
-- News, Announcements, Questions & Answers 0 0 0
-- Community Questions & Answers 0 0 0
-- Cash & Prize Contest 0 0 0
-- Payment Section 0 0 0
---- Approved 0 0 0
---- Denied 0 0 0
---- Paid 0 0 0
---- LOT Payment Proof 0 0 0
---- LOT Contest Payment Proof 0 0 0
---- LOT Investment Plan Payment Proof 0 0 0
-- Attendance Register 0 0 0
HYIPs, AutoSurfs, GPT and Other High Risk Oppurtunities
-- HYIP High Yield Investment Programs Discussion 5 4 0
---- HYIP Payments Section 1 1 0
---- Closed / Scam / Inactive HYIPs 0 0 0
-- AutoSurf, Manual Surf & Paid to Surf Programs Discussion 5 4 0
---- Surf Payments Section 1 1 0
---- Problem / Scam 0 0 0
GPT (Get Paid to Programs)
---- Paid to Click 5 4 0
---- Paid to Post 5 4 0
---- Paid to Signup Offers 5 4 0
---- GPT Payment Proofs 1 1 0
Money Cyclers & Doubler 5 4 0
---- Payment Proofs 1 1 0
---- Scam/Closed 0 0 0
Forex- Foreign Exchange & Trading & Bettings
-- Interactive Forex Trading Discussion 3 3 0
-- Forex Brokers 3 3 0
-- Forex Signals 1 1 0
-- Forex Newbies 2 2 0
-- Forex General Discussion 3 2 0
-- Forex Articles 1 1 0
-- Forex Indicators 3 2 0
-- Forex Analysis 3 2 0
-- Susan-Forex winning Strategy 3 2 0
-- Kiras Hideout 3 2 0
-- David Den 3 2 0
---- Sports Betting Payment Proofs 1 1 0
Payment Processor & Currency Exchange 5 4 0
-- Payment Processor & E-Currency 5 4 0
---- Paypal 5 4 0
---- Alertpay 5 4 0
---- LibertyReserve 5 4 0
-- Currency Exchange Service 5 4 0
-- Member to Member e-currency exchange 0 0 0
Webmaster 5 4 0
-- Google 5 4 0
-- Yahoo 5 4 0
-- Web Design & Development 5 4 0
---- Graphics & Multimedia 5 4 0
---- HTML & CSS 5 4 0
---- Programming 5 4 0
---- PHP 5 4 0
---- Other Programming Languages 5 4 0
-- Web Hosting Discussion 5 4 0
LOT Market Place 0 0 0
General Section 0 0 0
World wide Room 1 1 0
LOT Casino 5 4 0
The numbers included are the rate each section was paying before the rate was changed.Zero means non paying area.You post on them,you won't be credited.Whenever you post on the paying ones,your Lot Dollars under your profile or avatar will increase by 3cents.As soon as you reach Lot $3 ( three Dollars ),you can request for payment.Do follow the method i mentioned earlier.Create new thread in the Payment section and fill in your payment request details.
As soon as the request had been submitted,one of the mods will check all your posts to see if they are worthy of being paid for.If the mod is satisfy with the posts,they will approved and move it to " Approved Payment Request " section.It will now be the turn of the admin to pay you. As soon as you are paid,do post the proof of payment received in the " Lotoftalks Proves of Payments " section.You will need the link to that when next you ask for payment.
For now,the method of payment are :
That is all you need to know about Lotoftalks.You can start posting in the " Google and Yahoo " section since you are very much familiar with the two sites.
The admin recently added upgrading option.Anyone that wants to be getting more money can upgrade with $18.The plan is,you will be getting 33.33% of whatever you requested payment for as an upgraded member.The upgrading is for three months.You can use your Lotoftalks earning balance or pay directly from your Libertyreserve or Alertpay account.
You should know that,if you are interested in learning Forex Trading,this site will teach you for free.The admin did hired someone for that.This is another opportunity you need to utilize.
Some of the Proves of Payments i got from the site are :
Date: 10/5/2011 3:24:32 PM
Reference Number: 3FA01-7F430-XXXXX
Reference Number: 3FA01-7F430-XXXXX
Transaction type: Transfer Sent To
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $19.73 USD
Purchase Type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): LOT Payments
Amount: $19.73 USD
Purchase Type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): LOT Payments
Date: 9/1/2011 12:15:52 PM
Reference Number: 9AA6C-1EE96-XXXXX
Reference Number: 9AA6C-1EE96-XXXXX
Transaction type: Transfer Sent To
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $12.10 USD
Purchase Type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): LOT Payouts
All posts approved
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $12.10 USD
Purchase Type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): LOT Payouts
All posts approved
Date: 7/27/2011 5:50:43 PM
Reference Number: 0D94C-ABC9A-XXXXX
Reference Number: 0D94C-ABC9A-XXXXX
Transaction type: Transfer Sent To
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $19.60 USD
Purchase Type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): LOT Payouts
Amount: $19.60 USD
Purchase Type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): LOT Payouts
Date: 7/6/2011 10:16:30 PM
Reference Number: 4FABE-AAADD-XXXXX
Reference Number: 4FABE-AAADD-XXXXX
Transaction type: Transfer Sent To
Current Status: Completed
Amount: $18.14 USD
Purchase Type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): LOT Payouts
Amount: $18.14 USD
Purchase Type: Other
Shipping Details: Not Provided
Details (optional): LOT Payouts
Payment Mode Account
Date 06/11/2011 15:05
Batch 63122235
From U3031XXX (LOTraj)
To U541XXXX (Goldenson2020)
Amount $11.68
Memo LOT Payouts
Date 06/11/2011 15:05
Batch 63122235
From U3031XXX (LOTraj)
To U541XXXX (Goldenson2020)
Amount $11.68
Memo LOT Payouts
Payment Mode Account
Date 06/02/2011 03:25
Batch 62433463
From U3031XXX (LOTraj)
To U5411XXX (Goldenson2020)
Amount $15.71
Memo LOT Payouts
Date 06/02/2011 03:25
Batch 62433463
From U3031XXX (LOTraj)
To U5411XXX (Goldenson2020)
Amount $15.71
Memo LOT Payouts
Sign up now and start making money from the site for free.
Unfortunately,Lotoftalks is no more a paying forum site.You can still use the site to learn ways of making more money online.
This forum site is also one of the best and i have earned over $100 from it.The site is having 34,000 plus members.The posting rate is 4cents and 5cents for creating New Thread or Topic.You will be getting points for your postings.As soon as you have 500 points,you can request for payment of $5.Check the " Rules and Regulation " section to get its rules.
The paying and non paying sections are :
Forum PerThread PerReply PerCharacter
GLOBAL 5 4 0
vBCms Comments 0 0 0
Main Category 0 0 0
-- Rules & Regulations 0 0 0
-- News, Announcements, Questions & Answers 0 0 0
---- Questions & Answers 0 0 0
---- Suggestions / Feedback 0 0 0
-- Contests 0 0 0
-- Private Section 0 0 0
-- Payment Section 0 0 0
---- Approved 0 0 0
---- Denied 0 0 0
---- Paid 0 0 0
---- Got Paid by MTV 0 0 0
HYIPs, AutoSurfs, GPT and Other High Risk Investment & Money making Programs 5 4 0
-- HYIP High Yield Investment Programs Discussion 5 4 0
---- HYIP Payments Section 2 1 0
---- Closed / Scam / Inactive HYIPs 0 0 0
---- Offer for HYIP/ Autosurf Monitors 0 0 0
------ Approved HYIP / Autosurf Monitors 0 0 0
-------- GXMonitor 0 0 0
-------- Bakster 0 0 0
-------- Investarena 0 0 0
-------- SerialHyip 0 0 0
-------- BolfHyipDoctor 0 0 0
-------- Hyipnew 0 0 0
-------- Gold Lister 0 0 0
-------- Vip Monitoring 0 0 0
-------- Hyip Investigation 0 0 0
-------- Profitable Hyips 0 0 0
-- AutoSurf, Manual Surf & Paid to Surf Programs Discussion 5 4 0
---- Surf Payments Section 2 1 0
---- Closed / Scam / Inactive Surf Programs 0 0 0
-- GPT (Get Paid to Programs) 5 4 0
---- Paid to Click Programs 5 4 0
---- Paid to Post Programs 5 4 0
---- Paid to Signup Programs 5 4 0
---- Paid to Promote Programs 5 4 0
---- Scam / Closed GPT Programs 0 0 0
---- I got paid by GPT 1 1 0
---- Get paid to other 5 4 0
-- Gambling Section 5 4 0
---- Casino 5 4 0
------ Online Casino 5 4 0
---- Poker 5 4 0
------ Poker Rooms 5 4 0
---- Sports Betting 5 4 0
------ Registered Brokers 5 4 0
---- Other forms of Gambling 5 4 0
---- General Gambling Section 3 2 0
---- Closed Gambling Section 0 0 0
-- MLM, Money Cyclers & Network Marketing 5 4 0
---- Closed Section 0 0 0
---- Payment Section 1 1 0
-- Affiliate Marketing 5 4 0
Forex - Foreign Exchange 3 3 0
-- Forex Trading Discussion 3 3 0
---- Forex Beginners 3 3 0
---- General Trading Discussion 3 3 0
---- Forex Brokers 3 3 0
---- Trading Strategies & Systems 3 3 0
---- Forex Analysis 3 3 0
-- Forex Trading Software and Technology 3 3 0
---- Forex Expert Advisors 3 3 0
---- Forex Resources 3 3 0
---- Forex Robots 3 3 0
---- Forex Indicators & Signals 3 3 0
---- Forex Trading Platforms 3 3 0
-- General Discussion 1 1 0
Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate and other Finacial Investments 5 4 0
-- Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds 5 4 0
-- Personal Finance and Real Estate 5 4 0
-- Other Financial Investments 5 4 0
Payment Processors, Digital ECurrencies and ECurrency Exchange 5 4 0
-- Payment Processors / Digital ECurrencies 5 4 0
---- Paypal 5 4 0
---- Liberty Reserve 5 4 0
---- E-Gold 5 4 0
---- Perfect Money 5 4 0
---- Alertpay 5 4 0
---- MoneyBookers 5 4 0
---- EuroGoldCash 5 4 0
---- SolidTrustPay 5 4 0
---- StrictPay 5 4 0
---- Pecunix 5 4 0
---- V-Money 5 4 0
---- WebMoney 5 4 0
---- Other Processors 5 4 0
-- Currency Exchange Services 0 0 0
-- Personal / Member to Member Exchange section 0 0 0
---- Done deals 0 0 0
Webmaster Kingdom 5 4 0
-- Google 5 4 0
-- Yahoo 5 4 0
-- Search Engine Optimisation 5 4 0
-- Social Networks 5 4 0
---- Facebook 5 4 0
---- Twitter 5 4 0
-- Website Design & Development 5 4 0
---- HTML & CSS 5 4 0
---- Graphics & Multimedia 5 4 0
------ Photoshop 5 4 0
---- Programming 5 4 0
------ PHP 5 4 0
------ JavaScript 5 4 0
------ ASP 5 4 0
------ Other Programming languages 5 4 0
-- General Webmasters & Business Discussion 2 2 0
MTV Market 0 0 0
-- Official MTV Offers 0 0 0
---- Closed/ Inactive Offers 0 0 0
-- Member to Member Offers 0 0 0
---- Closed/ Inactive Offers 0 0 0
-- Buy, Sell and Trade 0 0 0
International Forums 0 0 0
-- International Forums 1 1 0
---- United States (US) 1 1 0
---- Canada 1 1 0
---- India 1 1 0
---- China 1 1 0
---- Malaysia 1 1 0
---- Japan 1 1 0
---- Philippines 1 1 0
General Section 1 1 0
-- Introduction 0 0 0
-- Computers 1 1 0
-- Sports 1 1 0
-- Politics 1 1 0
-- Lounge 0 0 0
-- Off Topic 0 0 0
-- Health is Wealth 1 1 0
GLOBAL 5 4 0
vBCms Comments 0 0 0
Main Category 0 0 0
-- Rules & Regulations 0 0 0
-- News, Announcements, Questions & Answers 0 0 0
---- Questions & Answers 0 0 0
---- Suggestions / Feedback 0 0 0
-- Contests 0 0 0
-- Private Section 0 0 0
-- Payment Section 0 0 0
---- Approved 0 0 0
---- Denied 0 0 0
---- Paid 0 0 0
---- Got Paid by MTV 0 0 0
HYIPs, AutoSurfs, GPT and Other High Risk Investment & Money making Programs 5 4 0
-- HYIP High Yield Investment Programs Discussion 5 4 0
---- HYIP Payments Section 2 1 0
---- Closed / Scam / Inactive HYIPs 0 0 0
---- Offer for HYIP/ Autosurf Monitors 0 0 0
------ Approved HYIP / Autosurf Monitors 0 0 0
-------- GXMonitor 0 0 0
-------- Bakster 0 0 0
-------- Investarena 0 0 0
-------- SerialHyip 0 0 0
-------- BolfHyipDoctor 0 0 0
-------- Hyipnew 0 0 0
-------- Gold Lister 0 0 0
-------- Vip Monitoring 0 0 0
-------- Hyip Investigation 0 0 0
-------- Profitable Hyips 0 0 0
-- AutoSurf, Manual Surf & Paid to Surf Programs Discussion 5 4 0
---- Surf Payments Section 2 1 0
---- Closed / Scam / Inactive Surf Programs 0 0 0
-- GPT (Get Paid to Programs) 5 4 0
---- Paid to Click Programs 5 4 0
---- Paid to Post Programs 5 4 0
---- Paid to Signup Programs 5 4 0
---- Paid to Promote Programs 5 4 0
---- Scam / Closed GPT Programs 0 0 0
---- I got paid by GPT 1 1 0
---- Get paid to other 5 4 0
-- Gambling Section 5 4 0
---- Casino 5 4 0
------ Online Casino 5 4 0
---- Poker 5 4 0
------ Poker Rooms 5 4 0
---- Sports Betting 5 4 0
------ Registered Brokers 5 4 0
---- Other forms of Gambling 5 4 0
---- General Gambling Section 3 2 0
---- Closed Gambling Section 0 0 0
-- MLM, Money Cyclers & Network Marketing 5 4 0
---- Closed Section 0 0 0
---- Payment Section 1 1 0
-- Affiliate Marketing 5 4 0
Forex - Foreign Exchange 3 3 0
-- Forex Trading Discussion 3 3 0
---- Forex Beginners 3 3 0
---- General Trading Discussion 3 3 0
---- Forex Brokers 3 3 0
---- Trading Strategies & Systems 3 3 0
---- Forex Analysis 3 3 0
-- Forex Trading Software and Technology 3 3 0
---- Forex Expert Advisors 3 3 0
---- Forex Resources 3 3 0
---- Forex Robots 3 3 0
---- Forex Indicators & Signals 3 3 0
---- Forex Trading Platforms 3 3 0
-- General Discussion 1 1 0
Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate and other Finacial Investments 5 4 0
-- Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds 5 4 0
-- Personal Finance and Real Estate 5 4 0
-- Other Financial Investments 5 4 0
Payment Processors, Digital ECurrencies and ECurrency Exchange 5 4 0
-- Payment Processors / Digital ECurrencies 5 4 0
---- Paypal 5 4 0
---- Liberty Reserve 5 4 0
---- E-Gold 5 4 0
---- Perfect Money 5 4 0
---- Alertpay 5 4 0
---- MoneyBookers 5 4 0
---- EuroGoldCash 5 4 0
---- SolidTrustPay 5 4 0
---- StrictPay 5 4 0
---- Pecunix 5 4 0
---- V-Money 5 4 0
---- WebMoney 5 4 0
---- Other Processors 5 4 0
-- Currency Exchange Services 0 0 0
-- Personal / Member to Member Exchange section 0 0 0
---- Done deals 0 0 0
Webmaster Kingdom 5 4 0
-- Google 5 4 0
-- Yahoo 5 4 0
-- Search Engine Optimisation 5 4 0
-- Social Networks 5 4 0
---- Facebook 5 4 0
---- Twitter 5 4 0
-- Website Design & Development 5 4 0
---- HTML & CSS 5 4 0
---- Graphics & Multimedia 5 4 0
------ Photoshop 5 4 0
---- Programming 5 4 0
------ PHP 5 4 0
------ JavaScript 5 4 0
------ ASP 5 4 0
------ Other Programming languages 5 4 0
-- General Webmasters & Business Discussion 2 2 0
MTV Market 0 0 0
-- Official MTV Offers 0 0 0
---- Closed/ Inactive Offers 0 0 0
-- Member to Member Offers 0 0 0
---- Closed/ Inactive Offers 0 0 0
-- Buy, Sell and Trade 0 0 0
International Forums 0 0 0
-- International Forums 1 1 0
---- United States (US) 1 1 0
---- Canada 1 1 0
---- India 1 1 0
---- China 1 1 0
---- Malaysia 1 1 0
---- Japan 1 1 0
---- Philippines 1 1 0
General Section 1 1 0
-- Introduction 0 0 0
-- Computers 1 1 0
-- Sports 1 1 0
-- Politics 1 1 0
-- Lounge 0 0 0
-- Off Topic 0 0 0
-- Health is Wealth 1 1 0
Trash 0 0 0
Method of payment are :
Paypal ( on Fridays )
Sign Up Here
This site is among the first site that paid me good money online.It is own by a good admin in person of Nick.The site is an interesting site to work on.Check the Rules section to know all you have to know about it.At the moment,the rate is 2cents per post and Thread.It will be increased later on.You can as well use their contests like most active member contest to increase your earnings.
Payment method are :
Paypal for upgraded member.
Register Here :
4. Thecashchat
This is second site that first paid me online and it is own by the same admin of Earningpalace.So the rules and the rate are the same for now.
Register Here
This is one of the forum site owned by Admin Mayur and is using 2cents as the rate for the posts you will be making on it.You can request for payment when you have $2 in your account on the site.
Method of payment are :
Join Here :
This is another site that is owned by Admin Mayur.The rate and plan is also the same as the one above.
Join Here :
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