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This Is The Best PTC Site That Can Earn You $100 Monthly.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011 By Charlly

PTC ( Paid To Click ) is a program that you can earn money from,by clicking on adverts or links from it.Each link you clickj on will be earning you 1cent,2cents.These two are the rate PTC sites are using.If you find any other site promising higher rate like $1,$10,$100 per advert clicked on,they are scam site.They won't pay you whenever you ask for payment.Some will even ask you to upgrade your account by paying some money.If you pay that money,you won't get anything in return.You need to be very careful when dealing with PTC sites.
        The one i am referring to here is the real deal.It had been in operation for more than five years,paying members on time.There are surveys for members that are qualified to do and increase their earnings.Your payment request will be attended to once you reached the minimum payout.Lot of people had earned more than $500 from working on it.Checking the site yourself,you will have no doubt it is a legit PTC site.It is the best and only PTC site i am working on.
     You can be earning money from it as a free or an upgraded member.All free members are having the same chance and privilege to earn money as upgraded members.
    There is a chance to earn $5 daily by clicking the correct advert or link among the ones posted on the contest page.It is called clixgrid.Free members can click the ads on that page 25 times and upgraded members can click for 50 times. I will call this guess clicking.If you are able to click on the right ad or link that holds the $5 before using the maximum chance you have for that day,then you are lucky.You can do that again tomorrow and win the $5 all over again if you are lucky enough.All members can win the daily $5 contest,it is not restricted to one member only.

              You can upgrade your account and get more benefits.As an upgraded member,you will be getting more ads or links to click on and the rate will be higher than those for free members.If you referred member that upgraded,the bonus will you will get as an upgraded member will be higher than the one free member will get.As an upgraded member,you will be earning up to eight ( 8 ) levels.That is,you will be earning from those that you referred to the site referred.You referral's referrals up to 8 levels.
  The upgrading fee is $14 and will last for a year.You can pay that through your Alertpay,Libertyreserve,Paypal,Google Checkout account.That $14 can earn you $1,000 within a year.
   Do understand,you can still earn if you choose not to upgrade but you must be very active.Refer other people through your referral link and they will be earning you money from their clicking.
    Be active,use the survey program if you are qualified,use the daily clicking contest of $5 known as Clixgrid and refer other people using your referral link.All these will enable you to reach the minimum amount you need to have in your account before you can request for payment which is $10.

     To start clicking the ads,you need to register.When doing the registration,take a good note of what you fill in the form because you will always need them when you want to log in.
    Write them down especially,your Username,Password,Secret Question and Answer.You will be asked all these every time you wants to log in.
   After the registration,you should confirm your account by clicking the link sent to your email which is the activation link.Once this is done,you can log in and start clicking the adverts or links on the site.You will get them by clicking the " View Ads " link on the site.The next page will show you all the ads available for you to click on.When you click on them,another page will show up on a different browser page.You will be shown a picture and must click on the one that match it among the options given to you.You will get this on top of the new page by your left hand side.There is a timer under those pictures which will start from 90,you must click on the correct picture before the timer reach " 0 ".If you failed to do that,you won't be paid for that click unless you click it again directly from the page containing the ads.
     You need to know that you need to stay on the page until your click had been verified and the rate or money for that had been added or credited to your account.You can't be working on another site when working on this PTC site.You must stay on the page that showed up after you clicked the ad link.Your click had been verified after you had seen the word that looks like this " Your click has been validated.You've just been credited $0.01 "

   To check your earnings,click on " My Account ".The next page will show you that.
    As for your referral link,you will get that on the same page that contains your account balance or earnings.It is under " My Affiliate Details ".Copy that link and send it to your friends.Let them sign up through it.
     You must know that,you cannot use the same IP address with your friend to work on the site.That is ,you cannot use the same Laptop,System,Computer or Cafe.If you do this,you will be regarded as operating two accounts and you will be banned including your IP Address.No one will be allowed to sign up using that IP Address,Computer,System,Laptop or Cafe again.So be extra careful when referring new member.
     That is all you need to know about this PTC site.Remember,i mentioned earlier,it is the best ,had been operating for more than five years.You can upgrade to earn more money with $14.Be active and use all the opportunities available to reach the minimum payout on time which is $10.You can ask to be paid through  :




       The payment are done weekly,i mean on Mondays.So,if you have up to $10 in your account,request for payment before Monday,okay.

   Less i forget,do you have programs,products or services you want people to know about ? This is the best site to use.It is having thousands of people working on it.Your advert will be shown to them all.There is a great chance of getting the result you desires.

                               So you can join the site as an advertiser too and earn from it.

                                                     Sign Up

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About the Author

My name is Charles.I am someone who wants to be making his life income mainly from internet and i have been doing this for the past eight years. I am ready to help anyone who wants to be like me too.All you need is to get in touvh with me and always check this blog for updates. .

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